There are numerous mortgage and loan products out there so this varies. However, it can range from 0-20% being required with most mortgage products. To get a detailed picture of what your personal buying power is and the options available to you, contact me and I can connect you with one of my lending professionals.
Both have advantages. New homes may have updated features and warranties, while resales might be in established neighborhoods and have character.
This is subjective and depends on your preferences for lifestyle, job opportunities, schools, etc.
Offering a higher down payment, getting pre-approved, and being flexible on closing dates can make your offer more attractive.
No, Florida is an equitable distribution state, meaning assets acquired during a marriage are divided equitably (fairly) but not necessarily equally.
Buying a foreclosure often involves bidding at auctions, but it's essential to do a thorough title search and possibly consult a real estate attorney.
Every local market, neighborhood, even street has it's own variables. In general the market can fluctuate based on current economic conditions, housing demand, and inventory levels. If inventory is higher than demand that would be considered a buyers market. If demand exceeds supply, it would typically be a sellers market.
With condos, you typically own the interior of the unit. In townhouses, you usually own the exterior and a small plot of land.
While it's not a requirement to get pre-approved when making an offer on a house, it is a good idea. You want to make the strongest offer you can, and part of that is showing the sellers you have been pre approved to purchase the home.
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